mission  |  vision


Partner in God's mission of love, reflecting the heart of Jesus to all people,

as we invite others on this journey of grace.


[impact] the south side

[form] intentional relationships

[pursue] spiritual transformation

[expand] God's Kingdom

[empower] the next generation

  ...we are Ambassadors of Christ demonstrating the Kingdom of God wherever we find ourselves, but specifically concentrating our collective energies within the context of the south side of South Bend. We will do this through the pursuit of intentional relationships established by the Spirit of God through prayer, service, and invitation to follow Jesus. With all who accept this invitation, we will pursue spiritual transformation as disciples of Jesus in the context of community at every level but especially in small groups. Then we will repeat this process by establishing other communities with like vision in other parts of South Bend, Michiana, and throughout the world.  

our story

As you come to Him, the Living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.- 1 Peter 2:4-5

The story of Living Stones Church is one of rebirth and new vision. In 2006 God took a church with a 50 year history on a radical transformation, with it's new journey seeking out what it means to be a church in the middle of a neighborhood for real people, with real needs.  During this time it became clear that this church was being called to serve the neighborhood of the south side of South Bend.  God has led us on quite a journey during the past 13 years, allowing us to impact the lives of so many in our neighborhoods.  Our church body is made up of all kinds of people from all walks, backgrounds and experiences.  We are a down to earth group of real people who take our calling and vision very serious.  It's exciting!  It's rewarding!  We don't know what God is gonna do next... but we're ready to go where He leads us! 

what to expect

Going somewhere new is hard... especially a new church. The good news is, Living Stones is a down-to-earth, friendly, casual place where you won't have to meet any big expectations... you can investigate and discover more about God and know that you can do it in your own way and at your own pace. 

[arrival] Our worship gathering begins at 10:30am. Come 15 minutes early to enjoy a free cup of coffee. The services last approximately 65 minutes. 

[dress] Dress is casual, so come as you are. ...we're a jeans and t-shirt kind of people, so you'll be welcomed no matter what you are wearing! 

[kids] If you've got kids, your first stop is the lscKIDS! space, a place for kids birth - 3rd grade. Our children's check-in system will ensure you of their security, and your kids will enjoy a fun journey together through age appropriate, exciting activities developed to point them toward a relationship with Jesus. Click here for more information on lscKIDS! 

[kickstart:church] is available for 4th and 5th grade students every Sunday during service.  Students will be cued to leave worship at the beginning of the message and will rejoin you at close of the service.  Students will enjoy a group time of teaching and games designed to meet them at their age level. Click here for more information. 

[littleTHEATRE] if you should find yourself in the Worship Gathering struggling with a noisy or inconsolable kiddo, the litteTHEATRE is available to you. Located just off the lobby, the littleTHEATRE is a small lounge where you can continue to participate in the worship gathering via closed circuit TV. 

[worship] Our time of worship is informal and casual, where you can participate or simply reflect. Expect to laugh as well as hear something relevant to your life. Expect to rock out – our songs are contemporary and led by a full band. The lyrics and Bible passages used throughout will be displayed on a big screen. 

[app] A great way to follow along with the message and take notes, or check out announcements or the worship service order, sign up for things or just learn more about us is the Living Stones Church App! You can download it HERE

[communion] We celebrate communion, a time of remembering Jesus' death and resurrection, every week. It is an “open” communion, meaning that everyone is invited to Jesus’ table. So please feel welcome to come forward (just follow the crowd), eat a small piece of bread and drink a small cup of juice, and return to your seat. 

[giving] An offering is collected every week. As an act of worship, we give to the Lord a tithe and/or offering. You are welcome to participate, but as a guest, you are certainly not expected to. This is the time , however, to put your “check-in card” from the bulletin into the bucket as it comes by.  There are also "giving" boxes located on the wall near the doors as you exit.   

[promise] We promise not to single you out. We're a friendly laid back people, so you'll almost certainly be greeted and some may introduce themselves to you, but we'll do nothing to single you out or call attention to your visiting. So relax, enjoy the experience, and let us know if you have any questions. 

[extended welcome] Anyone – no matter who you are, what you believe, or what you are in to - is welcome! We won't ask you questions of lifestyle, habit, or conviction as you walk through the door. Jesus had a habit of welcoming all that came to him. Since we are trying to be like him – we want to do the same. You are welcome – just as you are. And remember, all of us were new to Living Stones Church at one time! 

[beyond Sunday] Our life together as Living Stones does not end with Sundays. A relationship with God and His community happens (and must) from Monday through the next Sunday. As you begin to hang out with us, you'll hear about Groups, and I LOVE SOUTH SIDE events and service opportunities, volunteer opportunities, and fun events, all designed to be opportunities to live life together and carry out our vision to effect the South side with God's love. 

what we believe

  • We believe in one holy and living God, the everlasting creator and sustainer of all things visible and invisible.
  • We believe in the holy trinity, three persons in one divine essence, equal in power and alike eternal: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that God, born out of love, created the world to live in union with Him.
  • We believe, that humanity, due to sin, has ruptured God’s original intent of perfect union with Him. 
  • We believe that God the Father, in His intense desire and love for the world initiated a plan of salvation that makes possible the restoration of union with Himself.
  • We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God.
  • We believe that Jesus is Lord of creation. He is the incarnation of divinity; perfect and fully God; perfect and fully man. 
  • We believe Jesus came in the flesh, inaugurated the kingdom of God in earth, and crucified on a cross. 
  • We believe that Jesus was raised from the dead after three days.
  • We believe that Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of the Father, exalted and glorified.
  • We believe that Jesus will in the appointed time and will of the Father, return again and usher in the fullness of God’s kingdom reign.