Keep scrolling to see all that we have to offer our students, 4th - 12th grade!

KICKSTART for 4th & 5th graders is just that! It's a kickstart into student ministries, as kids are ready to start building community, gain some independence and learn about God on a whole different level!  

KICKSTART: CHURCH takes place on Sundays, following worship! (Listen for kickstart to be dismissed)  After joining their families for worship, 4th & 5th graders are released to the Pit Youth Building, where there’s a message geared just for them as well as some fun & games! 

KICKSTART: GROUP meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month 6:30-8PM, Starting this June! There, they are divided into girls and boys groups where they have a blast making friends, crafting, serving, playing games and learning about a God who is madly in love with them! 

Contact Tia for more information.

ELEMENT Student Ministry for 6th-8th graders! 

ELEMENT meets every Wednesday night, year round, from 6:30-8PM in our Pit Youth Building.  Each week students hear a message geared directly for their stage of life and about issues they face, all while encouraging their growth and relationship with Jesus Christ.  ELEMENT students have adult-leader led small groups they meet with each week to talk, build relationships and provide a safe group to share in.  We also believe that games and fun times are important too, as fun is the foundation where students get a chance to begin trusting each other and their leaders. 

Email our Element Leader; Shannan for more information.

SEISMIC Student Ministry for 9th-12th graders! 

SEISMIC meets every Sunday night, year round, from 6:00-8PM in our Pit Youth Building.  

Seismic has a laid back atmosphere where students can come and hang with their peers and leaders, talk about the current issues they face in their day to day lives, hear a message geared to challenge them in their walk with Jesus and help grow their faith as well as make it their own.  SEISMIC students meet in an adult-leader led small group time to discuss the lesson more in depth as well as share life with one another.  At SEISMIC we believe that building relationship also starts through having fun with games and outings scheduled throughout the year, such as white water rafting, bowling, camping, ice cream trips and many other adventurous times.  

Email our Seismic Leader, David for more info!

Parents can find the LSC Student Ministries Parent Page on Facebook!!