I Love South Side community partners

Living Stones Church and I Love South Side, love to partner with community members and organizations to help further the Kingdom of God through service and discipleship. Here are just a couple of our partners!

Judah's pride

Judah's Pride Mission: Our Mission is to expand the Kingdom of God by making disciples of Christ who make disciples of Christ. We do this through Community Engagement in targeted neighborhoods with higher crime rates. Utilizing prayer walks, we meet people, build relationships, and assess needs to create a strategic plan for ministry in that community.

Watch our Youtube video here to see how you can partner with Judah's Pride to help expand the Kingdom of God.

homes for tracy

Founder and director of 'Homes for Tracy' Clara Ross, uses her experience of being homeless for a brief period, to drive her work helping to provide transitional housing for homeless women in South Bend. They can stay for 6 to 8 months while they also maintain a job and work on building their credit and learning financial literacy. The goal is to help women go from homeless to homeowner! Watch our Youtube video and learn all about Clara and Homes for Tracy, Here.